- vizhealth image from the website incase no one got to see it.
Oliver Queen motivation that i personally had watching this show as others did (i mentioned in the blog)
If these superheroes could do it, why cant we ? People love to follow superheroes so if we make it about health and safety, it will work! This is actually a very big topic to speak about that relates well with the idea of visual communication with health. I got this idea after looking at the one of the links provided for the class which was “VizHealth Adventures”, and I got the idea for this blog about superheroes. Like I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the idea of visualizing versus just hearing about it makes a better image in your head than one would rather keep than just letting it one ear in and out the other ear. So, the relation in this blog will be about how health heroes’ stories, that if there are more created can cause more fitness change amongst people and more relation and just be as effective as superheroes. So, take for example, we can use heroes such as Black Panther or Captain America, Superman, or Batman, all characters, and heroes that people and especially children strive to be like as they are growing up. Ultimately, the biggest thing is visual communication where people can relate and hope for themselves, I believe that people can take their health and will take their health a lot more serious if they can relate to it. Just like how a lot of times people will see superheroes and want to be as good as them which would put people with the mindset that they will be going out there to do good in order to mimic the good they see in a superhero. I’ll use a personal example here, I remember specifically the show Arrow and I personally started to do a lot of pullups and certain exercises because of the movements that the main character Oliver and I know other people on social media started to workout and change their lives to have the body just like Oliver in the show as they saw the progression and the cool abs. It is through visual communication that people can feel more connected whether it be a cool comic or even a cool little short film that’s like 5-10 minutes long that will intrigue people to want to be healthy or get them more fit than where they once were. Ultimately, VizHealth is a perfect representation of how it would be most effective to have a comic about health and how it can change someone’s life because of the cool relation with art. The idea of health heroes and the effect it has can be the same it has a superheroes, I believe if they put like a short film 5-10 minutes long of a health based comic say where someone is in need and needs to change their live before say a Marvel film then it would be that much more impactful. Thinking “oh hey remember we watched that new Marvel movie? Oh yeah right before it had a little short film with that health hero, “I guess I should start working out” … Ultimately all of this leads to the idea that visual communication will always be more effective than just writing and listening to people talk about it. People can read all day about the benefits of working out and eating healthy, but I guarantee that if someone just looks at a image of someone else or who has a nice body, they will become more motivated than any amount of reading and listening they can do. Visual communication is the key to promoting health-based lifestyle as well just being more active in your own life. (SIDE NOTE) The film could be say someone is sleeping and they’re having a dream but they feel like it’s real where they continue on the lifestyle they are having and then ultimately it leads to a decline in heath where they miss out on parties, miss out on their future s/o and on other opportunities they would’ve had if they had continued a more balanced healthy lifestyle instead of all bad decisions that would lead to the decline of health. Toward the end of the dream something drastic happens and they are flashed to the life that could’ve been where they have a great time in their life, find the love of their life, and live a long life and then BOOOOM the person wakes up and just decides to drop all of the bad habits and to start living a better lifestyle. #lifestyle #visualcommmunication #health #superheroes #marvel


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