Could be you if you just went after life isntead of being afraid and aiming for the goal in your life that you want!
Time is ticking so don't allow yourself to lose anymore precious time if you're not being happy or goign after what you want Time is the one thing in life that is limited no matter how we see it. It’s my understanding that I was able to write about anything that I feel is relevant during this time of year. The thought occurred to me when I was doing the final presentation for the virtual museum about how fast time flies by. It really does feel like, it was January, February, march and then now December. Where did all the time go? 2020 taught me and I’m sure many other people an important lesson, that now better than ever is the time to go for your dreams, career, and goals. If you’re afraid to go after it, this is your shot to just go ahead and do it because life is not guaranteed and tomorrow is not promised, so we should be going ahead full steam and living with no regrets. I say this because looking back at 2020, the time really did fly by and so much had happened. The title I had for the virtual museum was “2020 The Year That Was Made To Break Us That Made Us” and I truly believe that. In my own personal experience I’ve gone through a roller coaster of emotions and a lot of negative times and I definitely become lazy and unmotivated but all in all it’s important to note that time goes on no matter what and waits for no one and that’s exactly why we have to keep moving forward. A lot of people tend to stay contempt and stay where they are and that’s fine if they’re happy like that, but if you’re someone who isn’t happy and wants better for themselves then go after it and don’t ever let anyone stop you from telling you so and especially don’t let your own self-doubt stop you because one day we will all look back and we will ask ourselves “did I do everything I wanted to do”. I feel this is very relevant because so much has happened in 2020 and I feel as though a lot of people including myself just let the year go by as we watched instead of getting up and going after the life that we want. Also, at any given moment, life can be taken from us. AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT. COVID-19 had struck out of nowhere and had changed the lives of so many people and changed the way society even to this moment that I write this. What I’m saying is, if you needed that message or wakeup call to get up and really go after what you want in this life, this is it. Tomorrow is not promised and don’t let your own potential go to waste as well as your passion. It’s coming around the time that people are going to say “new year new me” but the fact is, start now because it’s not about what we do in a month from now or a year from now on, what matters is what we do each and everyday as we stride to the future. Our time is limited, and we should be taking each moment to striving to what we aim for. COVID-19 showed how fast life could change, now imagine how fast life could change for ourselves if each and everyday we took time out to focus on actual goals and striving , learning, working, and grinding for the future that we want for ourselves. Happiness will happen as a result of you following your passion and working for the life you want because if we’re doing what we want then we’re happy aren’t we? The point of this is to note that time is not unlimited and we have to make the most of what we got and be able to look forward and take every opportunity we get or make opportunities for ourselves. To be able to look back one day and say, “I’m happy that I did it versus what would’ve happened if I did it?” #perspective #life #CHANGE #time #timeislimited


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