This is all the BLM movement was about.
Kevin Hart.....
Tory Lanez..... Propaganda has been a part of our culture and is more apparent than us just saying it is propaganda. The term propaganda means information which is used to promote a particular point of view. It happens all the time in today’s time more than we actually know it, we all have a particular point of view and eventually we all side with the one side that is the majority on social media whether we believe it or not. There are plenty of examples on social media regarding this aspect. One that I can bring up that happened was the Kevin Hart issue where he was being cancelled after being called to host the Grammys because of his old content in the past regarding around the LGBT community and there was plenty of propaganda of him saying this and that but ultimately that was something that had happened 10 years ago and at that point he was a different person and people weren’t wiling to hear out his perspective as they were set by that one perspective and as that became the major perspective and the consensus everyone else that would see it would agree with it. Another example is the Tory Lanez incidence where he had shot rapper Megan in the foot and the media had erupted as Tory Lanez was on the opposing side of It receiving all backlash. Ultimately propaganda plays a big part in how all the media will portray a specific view as the majority. I will state another example and then explain the power of propaganda and how it can have easily changed the perspective of people who may not have been as invested into the thought process of understanding certain situations. I will talk about the BLM movement and all of the slander toward the police which was completely justified because of the way the police department was acting. I want to bring up the fact that of the propaganda that was going around that the BLM movement was nothing more than a coverup for “POC” to riot and destroy things and completely went around the aspect of what they were actually fighting for which was to raise awareness and the fact that there is much corruption as well as racism still within the police departments and toward POC. So, I’ve stated example after example regarding all of these now I want you to take into perspective what would’ve happened if the propaganda was the other way around. I mean that in this sense, the propaganda is so powerful especially with a world around media and how fast information reaches people and how people will react first before they even decide to read and look into the situation that the original and majority view will always end up being the majority for the propaganda. In every scenario, if the propaganda was changed toward the opposite view then, the Kevin Hart issue would’ve been forgiven quicker and more understanding as that was a different time 10 years ago to now and especially the fact that people can grow, regarding the Tory Lanez incident, it may not have changed much but at least people would have heard out why he had shot her, (was it self-defense? Was it a an attack and he was playing around? ) many other reasons and for the BLM movement which is undoubtedly one of the most important events to happen in this year and in history which is that if the propaganda was more focused on the aspect that they are fighting for something that they believe in rather than “they’re just rioting and destroying stuff” then it would’ve been a completely different aspect. My point here is that propaganda is a real thing and is happening constantly but the fact is the more we embrace it the less we see the other sides of it, in order to understand the entire story one must be able to see the perspectives of all aspects of the story from either side. #propaganda #perspective #nothingchanges #changeyourmind


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