This first image is of an infographic that is very straighforward showing the green which is profit and red which is cost, it is eye-appealing for potential buyers or investors that want to invest into the product because if it's eye-appealign then they have your attenton to hear what you have to say.
I personally like this infographic more because of the fact of the rocket ship going up which shows the potential of the product or service going up. It's more appealing because of the rocket ship.
I always liked this image, because it's an iconic image from an iconic show Friends. The picture represents 1. when you see the potential of profits just skyrocketing from the infographic (happy and shocked mood) 2. when you see that the something you thought that wasn't serious is actually proven to be really bad or really good. It’s important to note that people do better while looking at graphs in this case infographics. Infographics are visual images like a chat or diagram that are used to display data to whomever it may apply too. Infographics are important because of the fact of the appeal that it brings which will bring in the targeted audience as well as other audiences, it is safe to say that we as people are more likely to stare at something that is aesthetically pleasing compared to something that isn’t. If it grabs our eyes then we will tend to read it and see what it has to say, hence an infographic. Infographics have certainty to influence someone to become more aware toward a situation or to want to buy something. I’m going to use two examples in this case that I have seen from my own experience as well as through the eyes of others. The first one is of course, when trying to advertise a product to someone and they are willing to hear the pitch, showing them an infographic which can be appealing but showing the profits and numbers on it will also be able to bring out what their curiosity. We as people as I mentioned in the first paragraph do better with visuals, when looking at a visual we tend to make it more real as I mentioned in my previous blog posts, by making it more real to one another we are able to relate and by relating we can see it happening which makes it that much more appealing to us. So in my situation, I was trying to show my friend a infographic on how this business would workout between the both of us and once I brought up the potential profits that we could gain each month through work we would be doing, he instantly bought on more curiosity and went forward with it. It was only through the infographic that made him see the profits and seeing is believing essentially. As I mentioned in the last blog post, it was about visualizing science and the ideal of COVID-19 and how serious it was, but by people seeing the image being broadcasted on every single platform they would normally watch or go on, it makes it a more serious and more relatable issue happening to those who think it may not happening. I say this in that case, infographics are appealing and bring attention to the targeted audience, by this being said COVID-19 is taken more serious because of the infographics as shown by the people who created it. This goes back to what I was saying last blog that by making a visual, it allows for people to see it become more realistic, as I said in the last paragraph, seeing is believing and by people seeing information about COVID-19 or the spike in cases in certain areas, it shows them that it’s serious and that it can get worst and the problems are still going up as I type this out to the blog. My whole point of this is that people will believe more when they have a visual in this case infographics which are meant to gain the audience’s attention and those infographics will commonly have a lot of information on it that will prove to be very important and eye-opening for the viewers. Infographics have truly changed the way people take in information as well as make them understand the seriousness of a particular topic, in this case it would’ve been covid-19 or profit margins for particular products or services that could’ve been done. By showing people the potential rather than just speaking about the potential, when they can put a visual to an ideal one is speaking about, then they can begin to envision it based on the image they see on the infographic and because of that will be more likely to go with it and move forward with it rather than forget about it. When someone is speaking to you, it is easy to forget what they are saying and move on but when someone shows you something and it is aesthetically appealing, it isn’t easy to forget. #believe #visuals #COVID19 #infographics #makeitmorereal


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