This is the image that literally changed the world. Changed the way we live and changed everything around us.
This is how people's expressions changed once they saw the image of COVID-19 through all the platforms anyone would watch. the change in expression is exavtly how most of the people who didnt think COVID-19 was real once they saw the image. I think the idea of this unit part 1 which is visualizing science is relatable to the class which is visual communication. In essence we create communication, and we create science through our words that essentially make a mental image as we are communicating. I believe I can speak for a lot of people when I say that visualizing the issue at hand will make it worst than ever and make it feel more real along with the way media displays it. I say that because what I found interesting in this week’s work was the impact of the image of COVID-19. The image that was shown on every single tv screen and all over the internet for days and months to come. Before I go into that, let’s go back about a year ago from today’s date. COVID was a real thing and was occurring in China and other places as well, who knows when it actually came to the U.S. but we do know that it was so serious in March that it caused a major quarantine for months and millions of people suffered. Even after quarantine had happened, there were people who didn’t think it was real, that it was a conspiracy or that it wasn’t as serious as they thought it was. The image of how the coronavirus that looked like a spikey blob had gone across the world as the image of coronavirus looked like and that is what caught the public’s eyes. Typically, when people see the color red, it usually means bad or stop so in this case it caught the public’s eyes and made them second think about how serious COVID-19 was. What I’m getting at is the fact that by seeing an image of it, it makes it feel more real essentially. By people seeing this image everywhere they go, tv, Instagram, media apps on big screens outside or on billboards makes it feel more real to them which will cause them to be more cautious and change their ideal of how serious COVID-19 is. I’ve seen plenty of people change their mindset after seeing how COVID-19 looks with that image which may not be as accurate but it’s enough to change someone’s perspective on it. My point of this blog is to show that media will be able to impact and change a person’s perspective and that perspective is easily changed when an image can be related to the issue at hand. In this case, COVID-19 related with the image that was being released everywhere allowed for people to see how serious it actually is which changed how they felt about the whole quarantine and the idea of wearing a mask. COVID-19 is no joke and was very serious but ultimately it had to be the main image on many screens for days and months for it to become more relevant in order for people to take it seriously. By people being able to see an image, it allows them to understand how real it is and how easily it can get to them as well as just being scared by the way it looks. Images play a big factor in how people take precautions moving forward or change the way they do things. For example, seeing someone go through a certain pain such as say breaking their hand from punching a wall would ultimately make you not want to be punch a wall as it could cause immense pain. Seeing the COVID-19 image on all platforms makes the issue real for a lot of people and the media played a big part in that is the point I’m getting at. In today’s time, using the media will be one’s biggest advantage in trying to show a specific a particular topic. #COVID19 #THISNOTAGAME #perspective #thoughts #serious


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