Reflecting on my past in this class.... and the future??

Up to this point, the class is going pretty well. I like all of the topic we are covering and it’s pretty self-explanatory, with the new online courses, it does feel a lot harder when it’s all spread out in my opinion. I took a bunch of classes in the summer and I liked it and I guess it was because it was pretty much everyday so the timing went by so fast but with the online classes in the fall it feels so spread out that I end up doing things late or something comes up left and right, life isn’t easy in the pandemic to say the least in my opinion. Ever topic we’ve covered in this class is important and for sure my favorite assignments we’ve done is the Birmingham campaign and the assignment we had with the museum where we had to look at the videos and then speak and relate it. Those assignments are interesting and are appealing for me. I do feel like this class would’ve been great and better in person but that’s just how it is now unfortunately in these rough times. I had a rough start for sure in the beginning, but I do feel like I’m caught up and going to move forward with this momentum and finish up with only a month and a half last in this semester.
Looking forward, we only have about a month and a half left and I couldn’t be more excited for it. I just don’t think personally online classes are for me anymore, it seems like a good thought at first but you lose so much that you would get in person and in my opinion, I feel I slacked off in the beginning because of it, if it wasn’t for the classes being online I would’ve been more on top of my work but such is life, I’m going to finish this semester as strong as I can. With these other topics, I’m not sure about them in the sense I don’t have much information on them but I know if it’s anything like the last 4 units, then I will enjoy them and be more than fine with it. Visualizing science sounds pretty good, I have no clue what infographics are, but the rest looks pretty interesting such as finding your way into the field, propaganda, and political advertising. I actually can’t wait to look into these topics and only with a month and a half left, I know it’s going to be quick but nonetheless gotta finish strong. #almostdone #progress #strong #finishup


  1. Hello Chris, nice name, i totally felt the same thing you felt about not being in person and how online classes was a good idea at first but now it's just a hassel. I also respect the pictures of barney, he's legend...wait for it...dary.

  2. Hi Chris, its Matt V, I can definitely relate to feeling like slacking; but I also feel like it allows us to look at education differently. I think the coursework too as you mentioned has been extremely interesting, and if it is similar in what is to come, then im all for it. Time is definitely going to fly by, and I know Barney is gonna look back with us and wonder how he went from being the innoculous lady's man to the lovable and relatable Barney Stinson at the end of the series.

  3. Hello Chris,

    I feel the same way about online classes. I do not like it but doing my best to finish strong.
    Good luck to you for the remaining of the semester, hopefully it goes by fast.


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