1968 vs 2020 Both Eventful and Both Crazy. What's WORST?

with these images you can see the comparison of 1968 vs 2020 2020 is very much like a 1968 just a lot more eventful. What I felt was the best thing to speak about this time around was 1968 vs 2020. Just as last week was, the same assignment that posted last week related to the topics, is the same for this week. For this week we had an assignment to look at a video that spoke about images from 1968. 1968 looks a lot like 2020, just 2020 is worst in opinion. 2020 is honestly one of the most anticipated years and the most disappointing because of that. It goes to show because especially on social media, everyone was sitting there saying how their 2019 was bad and that 2020 was their comeback year and on top of that people were saying how important it is because 2020 starts off a new decade so of course all of the people that started 2010 are now old enough to enjoy 2020. As a result of everything that happened, we aren’t able to do so. Not a lot of things but there are a lot of things that look very similar to 1968. Here are some. For one, we have the presidential election and it just so happens we also have the presidential election this year. Richard Nixon as well as Donald Trump are both republicans in the race so that’s a similar factor and another factor, I found to very crucial the matter of the movements. In 1968 a pivotal movement in history was the Civil Rights movement and right now it was Black Lives Matter movement. Both crucial movements for black lives and they both happened. As I’m writing this it seems as though 2020 is a more eventful 1968, 1968 being the original and 2020 being the new 1968, if that makes sense. Another crucial thing is that during that time Vietnam war had much protest and many issues and now you can see that in the beginning of 2020 we almost had a WWIII scare a week into 2020. Armed Resistance happened in 1968 with the Black Panthers and this time it happened with white and black and Asian people. During quarantine, white people armed up in some states to fight against wearing masks, black people were arming up to defend themselves during the Black Lives Matter movement and Asian people were arming themselves during the COVID because they were and still are being attacked by other people and blamed for COVID. When thinking about it, everything that we had to do the assignment and each of the images relates to exactly what is going on now which is super crazy in my opinion as I write this. For example, for film and television I used the image of Sidney Poitier who was such known as the MLK of movies and in this case you can see we lost an actor who was a pivotal person in changing the way black people are seen on film and that is Chadwick Bosman, he played so many influential roles such as Jamie Brown, Black Panther and Jackie Robinson and a judge (I can’t remember the movie). Chadwick Bosman played so many crucial roles that changed the portrayal of black men in movies as well as Sidney Poitier being the MLK of his time in films. Moving onto the next category which is sports, the sports world were almost exactly as such back then, first being the packers winning most of the 60’s and in this decade we have Lebron in most of the finals but the warriors being the team to beat from 2015-on. Also in general with the image I chose regarding the two medalists winning the 200 meter run they had their hands up with the hands up showing a silent protest just as now the sports world are all kneeling and even putting on jerseys that represent their support for BlackLivesMatter movement and the fight against the injustice. The politics is actually very ridiculous between the way things are with social media and Trump being very reckless on media and everything especially with the debate. Also, on top of that as well, it is rough with the politics because of the fact that Trump saying or mentioning that that all relief will be continued after the election is over which a month and change. That is a lot of time ultimately. A new culture that has come to be also is revolved around cancel culture and it is apparent to be shown around Tory Lanez and other artists. Ultimately, all in all 2020 is a worst year compared to 1968 but 1968 was the original year that seemed to have endless eventful things that happened. An influential person dying that I would like to mention here that made such an impact was Kobe Bryant, a beloved star. 2020 is so much worst with the amount of people that had passed and ultimately 1968 may have been an eventful year but 2020 will forever change history with the impact of COVID-19. COVID-19 had literally changed everything, people have to wear masks everyday and even we had a quarantine that was ultimately something that has never happened in history. The response we see today from the movements such as BlackLivesMatter are completely different than back then with all the support and the impact now with players all around the world in every major sport making a difference. Although 2020 isn’t over yet, we have still 2 more months, but it is for certain that 2020 is a completely different year compared to 1968. 1968 was a hard year with a lot of new things and events that changed history for the following years to come but I believe that 2020 is a year that will never be forgotten and will continue to change in years to come because of COVID-19. I hope that from this you can see the similarities and differences between 1968 and 2020 and come to your own conclusion of what year had it worst and more eventful, ultimately I believe 2020 is worst and will be the worst until the future. #2020 #1968vs2020 #presidentialelection #blm #covid19


  1. I really like that you put the photos first and in line . It felt more like an exhibit than a blog post and was more of an exciting experience because of it. I really hope 2020 is the year that all positive change finally becomes possible. I couldn't say for sure which year has been worse given that I didn't live through 1968, but I am still hoping that it is the year the people are finally heard and get all they deserve. Do you think if you lived through 1968 you may have a different opinion than you do now?

    1. Well of course in the moment, i always believe that what we are going through in that time will always seem to be worst than what we are going through in the future. For example, a lot of times people will say "this is the worst pain i've ever been through" could be physical or emotional but the fact remains they don't know what could be worst. so in hindsight living in 2020 this looks worst than 1968 but in 1968 i would've thought "how much worst could this year get moving forward, i hope that answers and yeah i also hope that 2020 switches route and becomes better or atleast set the foundation for a positive 2021


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