Sensation and Perception.... THEY ARE LINKED IN UNDERSTANDING!

What I found interesting in unit 2 is that the idea of sensation and perception are linked together in the world. This pandemic has shown completely how sensation and perception are linked. For me personally, I’ve seen it firsthand as I try to explain to others the way things feel compared to the way I see, compared to the way they see it. When I speak about this, I mean about the idea of gyms and the idea of going to a park to play basketball. Of course, with the way the pandemic is, people will say that it’s not necessary to go out, or not necessary to go anywhere and I understand that. Even these last weeks a lot of people were fighting against the idea of going back to the gym and opening gyms and opening parks for that matter. The fact of the matter is, a lot of people also never had the sensation of going to a gym or to a park compared to those that wanted the parks open. For me personally I wanted gyms and parks to be open because it keeps me sane and the gym is like an outlet for me and others as well for life. When I use this example, I mean it like this. I go to the gym and use it to express myself as well as going to the park to play basketball, so my perception of the gym and the park is seen as a place of relief, therapy and a place to just forget about everything and be all about myself. To someone else who never had those sensations, they would think that the park is just a place for kids to play around or the gym is super unnecessary because of how dirty it is, thinking about only the negatives. That’s their perception that the gyms and parks will only bring upon negative effects and it could be true, but in my perception because of the sensations I feel, it will only bring positive. Ultimately, I relate it to the idea that, if you have never been in the situation then you can’t say it because you’ve never done it. People will try to speak on the situation saying gyms shouldn’t open but have never been to a gym, they will say that parks shouldn’t be open but have never strolled in the park before. The sensations of the environment can change your perception of the areas. So yes, in this case I believe that sensation and perception is linked to one another. A brief example, one may say they don’t care to be at an NBA game but once they get there, they will have a different mindset. For me, I used to think watching at home was just as good at being in person, but I quickly changed my mind when I experienced the sensation of being at NBA game. I remember it was the Nets vs Pacers and I remember sitting not too far from courtside and the sensation and the energy with everyone there changed my perspective of being at a game compared to being at home. From that moment forward, the sensation of being at the game changed my perception of being at home watching vs being at a game watching it in person. Once someone gains the sensation of something, it will change their previous perception of the topic at hand.


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