RULE #10 Vision Trumps All Other Senses...... Not Just By Actual Site But Mentally As Well.

Although in this week's class it was very quick and brief, what took my interest the most was the idea of Vision. John Medinaa's Rule #10 of the brain rule is that vision trumps all other senses. I believed it went deeper than that, and i could be wrong but it's how i would of taken it. Yes in general he explains that vision will help a person remember the information better or allow them to take it in better per say but i believe without vision, there is no goal and i don't mean the actual vision of sight. As going through the slides, it mentoned about how vision will allow one to see and better take in the information. In that case, vision goes along with imgaination correct? If you can see it, you can manifest it and create it is how the saying goes. So vision goes beyond just seeing a picture and taking in the information, vision allows for someone to have a goal and if they can see their goal it allows them to grow more as a person. Vision gives people reason, they see a life they want which makes them want to work toward it. In this example, i say it like this. Imagine a kid who lived in poverty his whole life, grew up stealing and selling drugs but then someone comes along and says "this isn't the life you have to live you can move forward and change and have a better life without being a criminal". Thats the vision that can help this young kid into changing his life for the better, by envisioning the future beyond what you think will help your own perspective on life. Although yes, i may be taking this whole vision ideal in a different perspective, but i believe there is more than meets the eye with the idea of vision. Vision helps people take in information better with picures rather than just reading words but then in that same case vision allows people to see more and believe in more. For me, it's more than just what meets the eye it's what beyond it. The closer one looks at something the less they actually see, have to be able to see the whole perspective. In conclusion, yes vision is importnat in retaining information and it may trump other senses, but the vision of sight isn't the whole importance for a person. A quote i remember reading is that "doesn't matter if you have vision with no vision, some people have no vision with big visions". If you can see it, then you believe it and it's not just about sight. P.S. For some odd reason i can't upload pictures, so i will trouble shoot it BUT. If any of you have seen the movie "Wolf on Wall Street" with Leonardo Dicaprio then you know with vision, you can go from having nothing to having everything and he is the perfect representation of it.


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