So, with the second part of unit 3. The idea of text has become so relevant in our lives because of one major aspect which is that everyone texts every single day. We have people who are young, middle-age and even older who are texting every single day. I have my grandfather texting me on a regular basis meanwhile years ago, he only ever used a flip phone. Times have changed but the main point is that texting has become a major part of everyone’s lives with the evolution of technology and phones. People would much rather text than speak on the phone, even posting a status, people are texting their status of how they feel onto social media. With the idea of texts also comes with the ideals of fonts and different types of ways to acquire attention for other people. For example, a lot of people who do YouTube or social media, if they have certain fonts that are different from the standard times new roman, it will gain attention of others such as the blow up font, different color ...
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